How can a HEPA filtered vacuum create a healthier workspace?

HEPA Vacuum Cleaner

Here at EcoSource, we are committed to creating healthier work spaces within a green cleaning context. Green cleaning can be explained in a multitude of ways, but overall green cleaning is exceptionally good at helping to keep things centralized. One of the ways that we can help improve workspaces and reduce particles from being re-released into your office’s air space is by using HEPA filters on our vacuums.

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Your computer probably isn’t as clean as you think

Hands on a Tablet

When you start working at your computer, whether it’s at home or at work, the first thing you do is probably not wash your hands. You probably grab a cup of coffee or tea, maybe a snack, and then you get to work. If you work in an environment where you share a computer with another person or multiple people, think about all of the hands that touch that computer too. Germs can come from along a commute, from food, from sickness… From anywhere, really.

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