When should the air filters in the office be changed?

Air Filters

We’ve all been there. A stuffy office setting where the windows may only open slightly or may not open at all. Constantly having air flow running through the HVAC system, whether hot or cold, means that particles are always getting caught in the air filters. That’s exactly what they’re for — to catch dust and particles that would otherwise float around the office. With constant use air filters can get clogged up and be less effective as well as put undue strain on your HVAC system.

When should the air filters be changed in an office?

Unlike home air filters you may use for your HVAC system that only require to be changed every 6-12 months, office HVAC air filters should be checked and possibly replaced every 2 months. The frequency of which air filters should be checked and changed can be determined by the kind of HVAC system you have. Some manufacturers suggest more or less time between changes. Industrial facilities may probably need to change out their air filters once a month. You should speak with a licensed HVAC technician for your office to figure out how often your air filter should be maintained.

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Is hand sanitizer effective?

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer may seem a bit like a craze. Everyone has a bottle somewhere, and it seems like lots of places have adopted hand sanitizer in lieu of actual soap and water. This may leave you wondering, how effective is hand sanitizer? Is it more effective than soap and water at killing germs?

Let’s look at some of the numbers. Studies have shown that hand sanitizer with an alcohol concentration between 60-95% are more effective than hand sanitizers that have less or are non-alcohol based. Non-alcohol based hand sanitizer may not work well on certain types of germs, either. Hand sanitizer can remove some microbes, but they simply do not eliminate all types of germs.

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